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Students eligible for free meals sometimes ask why they cannot just select a milk or a piece of fruit instead of having to take several foods to equal a "meal". In order for the district to receive the federal funds that support the National School Breakfast and Lunch Programs at Champ's Cafe, specific meal components must be served that make a complete USDA, United States Department of Agriculture meal. No federal reimbursement to the program is provided when a student selects just one or two items that do not meet the "meal" standard, so students are charged a la carte prices for these items. For an eligible student to receive a free meal, the student must select at least 3 foods, one of which must be one half cup of fruit or vegetable. Students are not required to eat a school breakfast or lunch at any school, but are invited to obtain select three foods to supplement their packed lunch, as long as one of the items is a fruit or vegetable.
Free breakfast and free lunch comes to CHC!