Focus Parent Portal: Parents will access report cards and other important student information like current course grades, attendance, discipline referrals, and progress monitoring results. In addition, parents can update some beginning of the year forms such as the Consent Form, Student Emergency Card and Student Digital Resource Access Modification Request.
Follow the directions below to sign up for access to the Focus Parent Portal!
Click Here to Create a New Account
When registering, please have the following information• The student CCPS ID number• The student Date of Birth• The Parent Account Pin NumberContact your child’s school for the Parent Account PIN
If you want to link a currently registered student, Log In to Focus and follow the directions below:
Log into your FOCUS account with a current username and password• Click I would like to ADD A CHILD who is already enrolled• Fill in the following informationo The student CCPS ID numbero The student Date of Birtho The Parent Account Pin Number• Complete by clicking Add Student• Finalize by clicking I am FINISHED adding students. Please take me to the Portal
Student Accident Insurance
Student Accident Insurance is made available throughout the year. Our Provider is:
Administered by: Scholastic
Insurance of Florida, T.P.A.
P.O. Box 784268
Winter Garden, FL. 34778
Fax: 407-798-0296
www.schoolinsuranceofflorida.comPlease contact them or access their website for all information and forms.