Archived RFP's, Bids & Quotes
No. | Description | Tabulation | Other Documents |
11/12/9001 | Custodial Supplies - WHSE Stock | Tabulation | |
11/12/9002 | Floor Pad | Tabulation | |
11/12/9003 | Varley Products | Tabulation | |
11/12/9005 | Smallwares, Food Service | Tabulation | |
11/12/9007 | Custodial Supplies - Warehouse Stock | Tabulation | |
11/12/9008 | Can Liners - Warehouse Stock | Tabulation | |
11/12/9009 | Supplies - Warehouse Stock | Tabulation | |
11/12/9010 | Flexol Can Liners | Tabulation | |
11/12/9011 | Outdoor Benches & Trash Receptacles for Meadow Park Elementary | Tabulation | |
11/12/9012 | Manure Spreader | Tabulation | |
11/12/9013 | Wall Padding for Port Charlotte Middle | Tabulation | |
11/12/9014 | Musical Instrument Repair | Tabulation | |
11/12/9015 | Motorola CP200 Radio Parts and Repair | Tabulation | |
11/12/9017 | Vineland Elementary Basketball Courts | Tabulation | |
11/12/9020 | Diplomas, Covers & Accessories | Tabulation | |
11/12/9021 | Cafe Equipment | Tabulation | |
11/12/9022 | HP ProCurve Module | Tabulation | |
11/12/9024 | Capitol Outlay, Maintenance Dept | Tabulation | |
11/12/9025 | CHS Free Standing Greenhouse | Tabulation | |
11/12/9026 | Custodial Supplies - Warehouse Stock | Tabulation | |
11/12/9030 | CPAC Stage Equipment Repair and Modification (posted 5/17/12 @ 8:44 a.m.) |
Tabulation | |
11/12/9033 | Indoor Basketball Backboard Support Systems Maintenance Program (posted 5/4/12 @ 9:56 a.m.) |
Tabulation | |
11/12/9034 | Computer Components - CTC | Tabulation | |
04/05-02(11/12R) | Interior Exterior Pest Control Service | Tabulation | Award Letter |
05/06-304 (11/12R) | Grease Trap Cleaning and Pumping | Notice of Renewal | |
05/06-3121(R12) | Fire Alarm Monitoring | Award Letter Renewal Letters | |
05/06-331 (11/12R) | ABB ACH550 HVAC Variable Frequency Drives | Tabulation | Notice of Renewal |
06/07-412 (11/12R) | Lawn Mowing | Tabulation | Notice of Renewal |
07/08-527 (11/12R) | Swimming Pool Maintenance | Tabulation | Award Letter |
08/09-601(1112R) | Recapped Tires for Transportation | Notice of Renewal | |
08/09-601(R5) | Recapped Tires for Transportation | Notice of Renewal | |
08/09-626 (11/12R) | Charter Bus Service | Tabulation | Notice of Renewal |
08/09-626(1213R) | Charter Bus Service | Tabulation | Notice of Renewal |
08/09-627(11/12R) | Bottled Water | Tabulation | Award Letter |
08/09-627(1213R) | Bottled Waters | Notice of Renewal | |
08/09-627(1314R) | Bottled Water | Notice of Renewal | |
09/10-7069(1213R) | Semi Annual Inspection for Hood Fire Suppression Systems | Notice of Renewal | |
09/10-722(1011R) | Doors & Hardware | Tabulation | Notice of Renewal |
09/10-722(1112R) | Doors & Hardware | Notice of Renewal | |
09/10-724(1011R) | Preventative Maintenance Painting | Tabulation | Notice of Renewal |
09/10-724(1112R) | Preventative Painting Maintenance - DW | Notice of Renewal | |
09/10-724(1213R) | Preventative Painting Maintenance | Notice of Renewal | |
09/10-727 (11/12R) | Warewashing Chemical | Tabulation | Notice of Renewal |
09/10-730 | Juice for Champs Cafe | Tabulation | Notice of Renewal |
09/10-730(1213R) | Juice for Champ's Cafe | Notice of Renewal | |
09/10-730(1314R) | Juice for Champ's Cafe | Notice of Renewal | |
09/10-736 | Bread for Champs Cafe | Tabulation | Notice of Renewal |
09/10-736 (1213R) | Bread for Champ's Cafe | Notice of Renewal Award Letter | |
09/10-737 | Milk for Champs Cafe | Renewal Letter | |
09/10-737 | Milk for Champs Cafe | Tabulation | Notice of Renewal |
09/10-737(1213R) | Milk for Champ's Cafe | Notice of Renewal Award Letter | |
09/10-737(R4) | Milk for Champ's Cafe | Notice of Renewal | |
10/11-32(R3) | HP Computers | Extension Letter | |
10/11-32(R3) | HP Computers and Services | Notice of Renewa | |
10/11-33(1213R) | Furniture for Meadow Park Elementary and Lemon Bay High | Tabulation | Recommendation |
10/11-33(R2) | Furniture | Notice of Renewal | |
10/11-8069(1213R) | Wood Gym Floor Screen & Coat | Tabulation | Notice of Renewal |
10/11-8069(R5) | Wood Gym Floor Screen & Coat | Tabulation | Renewal Letter |
10/11-8072(1213R) | Emergency Generator Service | Tabulation | |
10/11-809 | Ergotron Carts | Tabulation | |
10/11-810BS | Violins | Tabulation | Award Letters |
10/11-811 | Athletic Turf Maintenance Charlotte High, Lemon Bay High, Port Charlotte High (posted 4/11/11 1:05 p.m.) |
Tabulation | Award Letter |
10/11-811(1213R) | Athletic Turf Maintenance | Notice of Renewal | |
10/11-811(R2) | Athletic Turf Maintenance | Notice of Renewal | |
10/11-812 | HP Procurve | Tabulation | |
10/11-813 | Jon Wood Gym Floor Refinishing Materials | Tabulation | Award Letter |
10/11-814 | Joint Sealant Replacement at Sallie Jones Elementary | Tabulation | Award Letter |
10/11-815 | Scrap Aluminum & Metals | Tabulation | |
10/11-815GQ | HVAC System Replacement Project for Myakka River Elementary (posted 3/30/11 1:40 p.m.) |
Tabulation | Award Letter |
10/11-816 | Air Handlers for Murdock Middle | Tabulation | Award Letter |
10/11-817 | LBHS Fitness Center Equipment (posted 6/15/11 9:15 a.m.) |
Tabulation | |
10/11-818 | Scorers Tables and Chairs | Tabulation | Award Letters |
10/11-819 | Blue Coat (posted 3/25/11 9:17 a.m.) |
Tabulation | Award Letter |
10/11-820 | Asphalt Paving, Paving Repairs, Seal Coating and Re-Striping (posted 4/19/11 11:02 a.m.) |
Tabulation | Award Letter |
10/11-822 | HVAC Control System Replacement Project for Vineland Elementary School | Tabulation | |
10/11-823 | Emergency Generator - MCO | Notice to Bidders | |
11/12-39(1213R) | Professional Services Certified List | ||
11/12-41(R) | Construction Manager/General Contractor at Risk, Projects under $2Million | Notice of Renewal | |
11/12-45(R) | Construction Plan Review and Inspection | Notice of Renewal | |
11/12-47(1213R) | Integrated Pest Control | Notice of Renewal | |
11/12-47(R2) | Integrated Pest Control | Notice of Renewal | |
11/12-47(R3) | Integrated Pest Control | Renewal Letter | |
11/12-47(R4) | Integrated Pest Control | Renewal Letter | |
11/12-49(1213R) | Warewashing Chemicals | Notice of Renewal | |
11/12-49(R2) | Warewashing Chemicals | Ranking | Renewal Letter |
11/12-49(R2) | Ware Washing Chemicals | Tabulation | Renewal Letter |
11/12-51(R4) | Print Management | Ranking | Renewal Letter |
11/12-901 | Paper Products - Warehouse Stock | Tabulation | Award Letters |
11/12-902 | Baseball Scoreboard for Port Charlotte High | Tabulation | |
11/12-903 | Diversey Products - Warehouse Stock | Tabulation | Award Letter |
11/12-904 | GOJO - Warehouse Stock | Tabulation | |
11/12-905 | Emergency Generator Murdock District Office (posted 7/22/11 1:58 p.m.) |
Tabulation | Award Letter |
11/12-906 | Sophos Endpoint Security and Control Software | Tabulation | Award Letter |
11/12-907 | HVAC Control System Replacement Project for Port Charlotte High, Building C (posted 10/18/11 @ 8:32 a.m.) |
Tabulation | Award Letter |
11/12-909 | Driver Education Program (posted 10/24/11 @ 8:54 a.m.) |
Tabulation | Award Letter |
11/12-910 | Aruba Wireless Access Points (posted 10/28/11 @ 8:29 a.m.) |
Tabulation | Award Letter |
11/12-911 | Cooling Tower Replacement Myakka River Elementary (posted 11/14/11 @ 8:35 a.m.) |
Tabulation | Award Letter |
11/12-913 | ABB ACH550 HVAC VFD (posted 12/20/11 @ 9:17 a.m.) |
Tabulation | Award Letter |
11/12-913(R2) | ABB ACH550 | Notice of Renewal | |
11/12-913(R3) | ABB ACH550 HVAC VFD | Tabulation | Renewal Letter |
11/12-913(R5) | ABB ACH550 HVAC VFD | Tabulation | Renewal Letter |
11/12-914 | HVAC Control System Replacement Project - Liberty Elementary School | Tabulation | Award Letter |
11/12-915 | Grease Trap Pump Out and Cleaning | Tabulation | Award Letters |
11/12-916 | Musical Instruments for Middle and High Schools | Tabulation | Award Letter |
11/12-919 | Computer and Electronic Recycling | Tabulation | Award Letter |
11/12-921 | Fire Alarm Upgrade at Liberty and Vineland Elementary Schools | Notice | |
11/12-924 | Murdock Transportation CCTV System | Tabulation | |
11/12-925 | Lawn Mowing | Tabulation | Award Letters |
11/12-926 | Roofing Refurbishment & Coating Project - West County Transportation (posted 4/30/12 @ 1:20 p.m.) |
Tabulation | Award Letter |
11/12-927 | Asphalt Resurfacing and Seal Coating | Tabulation | Award Letter |
11/12-929 | Fuel Dispenser Replacement | Tabulation | |
11/12-930 | Wheel Alignment Equipment | Tabulation | Award Letter |
12/13-1301KI | Ergotron Teachwell Tablet Management Cart | Tabulation | |
12/13-1302DF | Kingsway Elementary Repeater and Installation | Tabulation | |
12/13-1303KS | Motor Oil & Transmission Fluid | Tabulation | |
12/13-1305DF | Laminating Film | Tabulation | |
12/13-1306KI | Custodial Products - Warehouse Stock | Tabulation | Award Letter |
12/13-1307KI | Floor Pads - Warehouse Stock | Tabulation | Award Letter |
12/13-1308KI | Cleaners - Warehouse Stock | Tabulation | Award Letter |
12/13-1309KC | Surplus Textbooks | Tabulation | |
12/13-1310KC | Websense Email Security Software Renewal | Tabulation | |
12/13-1311KC | Playground mulch | Tabulation | |
12/13-1319KC | Air Handler Units | Tabulation | |
12/13-301KS | Air Handling Unit Replacement Charlotte Harbor Center | Tabulation | |
12/13-302KI | Playground Equipment - MRE | Tabulation | Award Letter |
12/13-305KI | Custodial Products | Tabulation | |
12/13-306-2DF | Ergotron Carts | Tabulation | |
12/13-307KC | Promethean Boards, Furnish and Install | Tabulation | |
12/13-309SL | Musical Intruments | Tabulation | Award |
12/13-312SL | Catalog Discount | Tabulation | |
12/13-312SL(R1) | Catalog Discount | Tabulation | Notice of Renewal |
12/13-312SL(R2) | Catalog Discount | Tabulation | |
12/13-313KS | Kitchen Hoods | Tabulation | Award letter |
12/13-314-1KI | Lawn Maintenance | Tabulation | Award Letter |
12/13-314-1KI(R1) | Lawn Maintenance | Notice of Renewal | |
12/13-315MP | Re-Roofing & Roof Coating Project - East Elem Bld 12 and PGC/Clinic | Tabulation | Award Letter |
12/13-316SL | Asphalt Resurfacing and Seal Coat | Tabulation | Award Letter |
12/13-52KI | Punta Gorda Transportation Surveillance System | Ranking | |
12/13-53KC | East Elementary Surveillance Expansion | Ranking | |
12/13-58SL | Surveillance System Expansion, Punta Gorda Center | Award Letter | |
12/13-59SL | Air Handling Unit Installations Charlotte Harbor Center | Ranking | |
13/14-1401KI | Soap Products - Warehouse Stock | Tabulation | Award Letter |
13/14-1401KI(R1) | Soap Products - Warehouse Stock | Tabulation | Renewal Letter |
13/14-1401KI(R2) | Soap Products - Warehouse Stock | Tabulation | Renewal Letter |
13/14-1401KI(R3) | Soap Products - WHSE | Tabulation | Renewal Letter |
13/14-1402KI | Floor Pads - Warehouse Stock | Tabulation | Award Letter |
13/14-1403KI | Cleaners - Warehouse Stock | Tabulation | Award Letter |
13/14-1403KI(R1) | Cleaners - Warehouse Stock | Tabulation | Renwal Letter |
13/14-1403KI(R2) | Cleaners - Warehouse Stock | Tabulation | Renewal Letter |
13/14-1403KI(R3) | Cleaners, WHSE | Tabulation | Renewal Letter |
13/14-1404KI | Custodial Products Pads - Warehouse Stock | Tabulation | |
13/14-1406SL(R3) | Water Plant Monitoring | Tabulation | Award Letter Renewal Letter |
13/14-1409MD | Wage Comparability Study and Community Assessment | Tabulation | |
13/14-1411SL | Headphones and Splitters | Tabulation | |
13/14-1412SL(R2) | Motor Oil | Tabulation | Renewal Letter |
13/14-1415SL | Musical Instrument Repair | Tabulation | |
13/14-1415SL(R5) | Musical Instrument Repair | Tabulation | Award Letters Renewal Letters |
13/14-1417SL | Playground Equipment | Tabulation | |
13/14-1418MD | Descaler M&O | Tabulation | |
13/14-1419SL | Gumdrop Cases | Tabulation | |
13/14-1421SL | Motorola CP200 radio parts and repair | Tabulation | |
13/14-1422SL | Lift Station Maintenance | Tabulation | |
13/14-1424KI | Hood Fire Suppression | Tabulation | |
13/14-1424KI(R1) | Hood Fire Suppression | Tabulation | Renewal Letter |
13/14-1424KI(R4) | Hood Fire Suppression | Tabulation | Award Letter Renewal Letter |
13/14-1425KI | Custodial Products - WHSE Stock | Tabulation | |
13/14-1425KI(R1) | Custodial Products - Warehouse Stock | Tabulation | Renewal Letter |
13/14-1426KI | Floor Pads - WHSE Stock | Tabulation | |
13/14-1429KI | Bottled Water - Champ's Cafe | Tabulation | |
13/14-1429KI(R1) | Bottled Water - Champs Cafe DW | Tabulation | Renewal Letter |
13/14-1429KI(R2) | Bottle Water - Champ's Caf� | Tabulation | Renewal Letter |
13/14-1431SL | Rooftop Air Conditioner - PCMS | Tabulation | |
13/14-1432MD | Bus Transponders | Memo to Record | |
13/14-401KI | Diversey Products - Warehouse Stock | Tabulation | |
13/14-402KI | Paper Products - Warehouse Stock | Tabulation | |
13/14-403KI | Garbage Can Liners - Warehouse Stock | Tabulation | |
13/14-403KI(R1) | Garbage Can Liners - Warehouse Stock | Tabulation | Renewal Letter |
13/14-403KI(R2) | Garbage Can Liners | Tabulation | Renewal Letter |
13/14-403KI(R3) | Garbage Can Liners | Tabulation | Renewal |
13/14-404SL | Charter Bus Service | Tabulation | |
13/14-404SL(R1) | Charter Bus | Tabulation | Renewal Letter |
13/14-404SL(R2) | Charter Bus Service | Tabulation | Renewal Letter |
13/14-406-1MD | Microsoft Surface Pro Tablets | Tabulation | |
13/14-407SL | Cameras | Tabulation | |
13/14-407SL(R1) | Security Cameras | Tabulation | Renewal Letter |
13/14-409KI | UPS Equipment | Tabulation | |
13/14-410KI | ProCurve | Tabulation | |
13/14-411KI | Tripp-Lite Equipment | Tabulation | |
13/14-412KI | Computer Memory | Tabulation | |
13/14-413MD | Data Center Appliance | Tabulation | |
13/14-421KI | Paper Products - Warehouse Stock | Tabulation | |
13/14-421KI(R1) | Paper Products Warehouse Stock, Items 1,3,4 | Renewal Letter | |
13/14-421KI(R1) | Paper Products Warehouse Stock, Item 2 | Renewal Letter | |
13/14-421KI(R2) | Paper Products, Warehouse Stock | Renewal Letter | |
13/14-422KI | Diversey Products (Active 7-1-14) | Tabulation | |
13/14-423KI | Paper Towel Dispensers (Active 7-1-14) | Tabulation | |
13/14-424KI | Juice - Champ's Cafe DW | Tabulation | |
13/14-424KI(R1) | Juice for Champ's Cafe | Renewal Letter | |
13/14-424KI(R2) | Juice for Champ's Caf� | Renewal Letter Extension Letter | |
13/14-425MP | Computer Memory | Tabulation | Award Letter |
13/14-63-1MD | Cooling Tower Change out - Deep Creek Elementary | Tabulation | |
13/14-65DF | Lemon Bay High School Media Center | Tabulation | Short List |
13/14-66MD(R1) | HVAC Water Treament | Renewal Letter | |
13/14-66MP | HVAC Water Treatment | Notice of Award | |
13/14-66MP(R2) | HVAC Water Treatment Products and Services | Renewal Letter | |
13/14-66MP(R4) | HVAC Water Treatment Products and Services | Award Letter Renewal Letter | |
13/14-67MD | Telephone Support Systems | Ranking | |
13/14-67MD(R1) | Telephone Support Systems | Renewal Letter | |
13/14-67MD(R3) | Telephone System Support | Renewal Letter | Award Letter Extension Letter |
13/14-68MP | Professional Services List | Certified List | |
13/14-69MD | Trane Centrifugal Chiller Annual Inspection and Maint | Award | |
13/14-72MD | Grease Trap Cleanout | Tabulation | |
13/14-72MD(R2) | Grease Trap Cleanout | Ranking | Award Letter Renewal Letter |
13/14-73MD | SCCM Migration and Training | Ranking | |
13/14-74SL | Public Depository for Short Term Deposits | Ranking | |
13/14-75MD | Trane Centrifugal Chiller Maintenance, Service and Inspection | Ranking | |
13/14-75MD(R1) | TRANE Centrifugal Chill Maintenance and Inspections | Renewal Letter | |
13/14-79MD | Driver Education Program | Ranking | |
13/14-79MD(R1) | Driver Education Program | Renewal Letter | |
13/14-79MD(R2) | Driver Education | Renewal Letter | |
13/14-84MD | Head Start Self-Assessment/Strategic Planning/Systems Implementation | Ranking | |
13/14-85MD | Preventative Painting Maintenance | Notice of Award | |
13/14-85MD(R1) | Preventative Painting Maintenance | Renewal Letter | |
13/14-85MD(R2) | Preventative Painting Maintenance | Renewal Letter | |
13/14-88-1SL(R4) | Roof Inspections and Consultation | Ranking | Award Letter Renewal Letter |
13/14-88SL-1 | Roof Inspections & Consultations | Ranking | |
13/14-93SL | Ball Field Maintenance | Ranking | |
13/14-94MD | Classroom Assessment Scoring System | Ranking Award Letter | |
13/14-94MD(R1) | Classroom Assessment Scoring System | Renewal Letter | |
13/14-94MD(R2) | Classroom Assessment Scoring System | Renewal Letter | |
13/14-95MD | Online Credit Retrieval | Ranking | |
13/14-95MD(R2) | Online Credit Retrieval | Ranking | Award Letter Renewal Letter |
13/14-95MD(R3) | Online Credit Retrieval | Award Letter | |
13/14-98SL | Marquee Retrofit - SJE, CTC & MUM | Ranking | |
14/15-10MP | Data Center Storage Refresh | Ranking | |
14/15-11SL | HVAC Renovations PGA | Ranking | |
14/15-13MP | Professional Services Certified List | Qualified List | |
14/15-1432MP | Parking Lot Sealing and Striping | Tabulation | |
14/15-1434MD | Hazardous Material Removal | Tabulation | Award Letter |
14/15-1435KI(R1) | Shredding District Wide | Award Letter Extension Award Renewal Letter | |
14/15-1436SL | TV Pro Studio Equipment | Tabulation | |
14/15-1437MD | CPAC Lighting Equipment | Tabulation | |
14/15-1438SL | Spot Coolers | Tabulation | |
14/15-1439MD | Califone Headphones | Tabulation | |
14/15-1440MD | Gumdrop Cases - Venue | Tabulation | |
14/15-1442SL | Microscopes | Tabulation | |
14/15-1444MD | Microsoft Surface Pro | Tabulation | |
14/15-1447MD | Exinda Annual Support | Tabulation | |
14/15-1448MP | Dell Venue 8 Pro Tablets and Cases | Tabulation | |
14/15-1449KI(R1) | Jon-wood Gym Floor Refinish | Tabulation | Renewal Letter |
14/15-1449KI(R1) | Jon Wood Refinishing | Renewal Letter | |
14/15-1450MD | Security Alarm System - Bld 12 & 13 | Award Letter | |
14/15-1451KI | Port Charlotte High Basketball Scoreboards | Tabulation | Award Letter |
14/15-1454MP | Amer Network Switches | Tabulation | Award Letter |
14/15-1456KI | Electronic LED Reader Board Sign | Tabulation | |
14/15-1457SL | Lighting Control Console | Tabulation | |
14/15-1459MD | HP ProCurve Equipment | Tabulation | Award Letter |
14/15-14KI | Food Services-Culinary Arts Program-Charlotte Technical Center | Ranking | |
14/15-14KI(R1) | Food Services - Culinary Arts Program - Charlotte Technical Center | Ranking | Renewal Letter |
14/15-18MP | CHS Running Track Resurfacing | Ranking | Award Letter |
14/15-26SL | Webhosting | Award Letter | |
14/15-26SL(R4) | Webhosting | Award Letter Renewal Letter | |
14/15-27SL | Wireless Access Points | Ranking | |
14/15-40SL | Athletic Turf Maintenance | Award Letter | |
14/15-40SL(R3) | Athletic Turf Maintenance | Award Letter Renewal Letter Extension Letter | |
14/15-43MD | Playground Surfacing at BAC | Award Letter | |
14/15-501SL | Doors, Frames and Related Hardware | Tabulation | Award Letter |
14/15-501SL(R2) | Doors, Frames and Hardware | Tabulation | Renewal |
14/15-504SL | CHC Parking Lot Modification | Tabulation | |
14/15-505MD | Dell VenueTablets | Tabulation | |
14/15-505MD(R1) | Dell Venue Tablets | Tabulation | Renewal Letter |
14/15-506KI(R2) | Swimming Pool Maintenance | Tabulation | Award Letter Renewal Letter |
14/15-507KI(R4) | Single Stream Recycling | Tabulation | Award Letter Renewal Letter Extension Letter |
14/15-508SL | HVAC PCHS | Tabulation | |
14/15-509MD | Computer Memory | Tabulation | |
14/15-50KI | Single Stream Recycling | Tabulation | |
14/15-510SL | Asphalt Paving and Re-Striping | Tabulation | |
14/15-511SL(R3) | Playground Mulch | Tabulation | Award Letter Renewal Letter |
15/16-1465KI | Lawn Maintenance | Tabulation | Award Letter |
15/16-1465KI(R2) | Lawn Maintenance | Tabulation | Award Letter Renewal Letter |
15/16-1466KI(R1) | Floor Pads - Warehouse Stock | Tabulation | Award Letter Renewal Letter |
15/16-1467MD | Security Cameras and Accessories | Tabulation | Award Letters |
15/16-1467MD(R1) | Security Cameras | Tabulation | Award Letter Renewal Letter |
15/16-1468DS(R2) | Carpentry Services | Tabulation | Award Letter Renewal Letter |
15/16-1469MD | Textbooks/CD Roms: Agriculture | Tabulation | Award Letter |
15/16-1470KI | Insulated Foil Wrap - Champ's Caf� | Tabulation | Award Letter |
15/16-1470KI(R2) | Insulated Foil Wraps - Champ's Caf� | Tabulation | Renewal Letter |
15/16-1473MP | Dell PowerEdge R530 Rack Server | Tabulation | Award Letter |
15/16-1474KI(R1) | Defibrillator Replacement Parts | Renewal Letter | |
15/16-1475MP | AmerNetworks Mini Switches | Tabulation | Award Letter |
15/16-1476MD | Supply & Reclamation of Refrigerant | Tabulation | Award Letter |
15/16-1476MD(R2) | Supply & Reclamation of Refrigerant | Tabulation | Renewal Letter Award Letter |
15/16-1480TS | Supply and Installation of Sod | Tabulation | Award Letter |
15/16-1482MD | Microscopes | Tabulation | Award Letter |
15/16-1483MD | Hazardous Material Removal | Tabulation | Award Letter |
15/16-1484DS | Gumdrop Cases | Tabulation | Award Letter |
15/16-1484DS(R2) | Gumdrop Cases | Tabulation | Award Letter Renewal Letter |
15/16-1488DF | HP Stream 11 Pro G2 | Tabulation | Award Letter |
15/16-1488DF(R1) | HP Stream 11 Pro G3 | Tabulation | Award Letter |
15/16-1489DF(R2) | PowerLite 1222 Wireless XGA 3LCD Projector | Tabulation | Award Letter Renewal Letter |
15/16-1491TS | Radio Parts | Tabulation | Award Letter |
15/16-1492DS | Microscopes - LBHS | Tabulation | Award Letter |
15/16-1493MD | HP ProCurve Equipment | Tabulation | Award Letter |
15/16-1494DF | Components for Building Computers | Tabulation | Award Letter |
15/16-1495DF | Light Fixtures for LPAC | Tabulation | Award Letter |
15/16-1495TS | Pipettes and Accessories | Tabulation | Award Letter |
15/16-1497TS | CommVault Annual Maintenance | Tabulation | Award Letter |
15/16-1497TS(R2) | Comm Vault Annual | Tabulation | Award Letter Renewal Letter |
15/16-1498DF | Exinda Annual Support | Tabulation | Award Letter |
15/16-1499DF | Four Station Work Bench | Tabulation | Award Letter |
15/16-1500MP | Computer & Electronics Recycling | Tabulation | Award Letter |
15/16-1500MP(R2) | Computer and Electronic Recycling | Tabulation | Award Letters Renewal Letter |
15/16-1501TS | Flag Sets | Tabulation | Award Letter |
15/16-1503MD | Commercial Fryer Repair | Tabulation | Award Letter |
15/16-1504MD(R2) | Commercial Appliance Repair & Service | Tabulation | Award Letter Renewal Letter Extension Awards Extension Renewal Letters |
15/16-1507DF | Dimming System for SJES | Tabulation | Award Letter |
15/16-1509TS | Custodian Products, WHSE | Tabulation | Award Letter |
15/16-1509TS | Custodial Products | Tabulation | Award Letter |
15/16-1510MD | Ergonomic Computer Accessories | Tabulation | Award Letter |
15/16-301KI(R1) | Diversity Products, Warehouse Stock | Renewal Letter | |
15/16-50DF | LBH Marine Science Laboratory | Ranking | |
15/16-52MP | Computers & Services | Ranking | Award Letter |
15/16-52MP(R4) | Computers & Services | Award Letter Renewal Letter | |
15/16-58DS | Roof Repairs | Ranking | Award Letter |
15/16-601KI | Diversey Products Warehouse Stock | Tabulation | Award Letter |
15/16-601KI(R1) | Diversey Products | Tabulation | Renewal Letter |
15/16-602MP(R2) | Catalog Discount | Renewal Letter | |
15/16-602MP(R4) | Catalog Discount | Catalog Discount | |
15/16-603DF(R1) | Classroom and Office Furniture | Tabulation | Award Letter |
15/16-603DF(R4) | Classroom and Office Furniture | Tabulation | Award Letter Ranking |
15/16-604DS(R4) | Charter Bus Service | Tabulation | Award Letters Renewal Letters |
15/16-605MP | APC Smart UPS | Tabulation | Award Letter |
15/16-606DS | Chillers and Ice Storage | Tabulation | Award Letter |
15/16-60MP | Emergency Generator Inspections and Service | Ranking | Award Letter |
15/16-61DF | Roofing Inspection and Consultation with Warranty Advocacy Emphasis | Ranking | Award Letter |
15/16-61DF(R2) | Roof Inspection | Award Letter Renewal Letter | |
15/16-70DS(R2) | Lift Station Maintenance | Ranking | Award Letter Renewal Letter |
15/16-73MP(R1) | Firewall, Palo Alto | Ranking | Award Letter Renewal Letter |
15/16-77MP | LBHS Parking Lot Surveillance Camera System | Ranking | |
15/16-78MD | Fire Alarm Upgrade | Award Letter | |
15/16-78MD | LA Ainger Fire Alarm Upgrade | Ranking | |
15/16-79MP | Sallie Jones BrightLink Interactive Projector | Ranking | |
15/16-81MD(R1) | Roof Repairs, District Wide | Ranking | Award Letter Renewal Letter |
15/16-81MD(R2) | Roof Repairs, District Wide | Ranking | Award Letter Renewal Letter RFP |
16/17-02DK(R4) | Integrated Pest Management | Tabulation | Award Letters Renewal Letter |
16/17-03MD(R1) | School Bus Modifications for Serving Food | Ranking | Award Letter Renewal Letter |
16/17-04DK | Preventative Painting MNT | Ranking | Award Letter |
16/17-06MD(R2) | School Bus Wrap | Tabulation | Award Letters Renewal Letter |
16/17-10DK | Warewashing Chemicals | Ranking | Award Letter |
16/17-10DK(R3) | Warewashing Chemicals | Ranking | Award Letter Renewal Letter |
16/17-1510DF | TruVision DVRs | Tabulation | Award Letter |
16/17-1511TS | Fluorescent Lamps | Tabulation | Award Letter |
16/17-1512MD | Security Hard Drives | Tabulation | Award Letter |
16/17-1514DF | CPAC Sound Equipment | Tabulation | Award Letter |
16/17-1515MD | Heating Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC) Tools | Tabulation | Award Letter |
16/17-1516MD | Children's Furniture and Supplies | Tabulation | Award Letter |
16/17-1519DF | Florescent Bulbs & Trigger Sprayers | Tabulation | Award Letter |
16/17-1520MP | GBC Pinnacle 27 Roll Laminator and Laminating Film" | Tabulation | Award Letter |
16/17-1522MP(R1) | Califone Headphones | Tabulation | Award Letter Renewal Letter |
16/17-1523DK | Vision Screener | Tabulation | Award Letter |
16/17-1524MD | Motorized Window Treatments | Tabulation | Award Letter |
16/17-1526MD | AHERA 3-Year Re-Inspection | Tabulation | Award Letter |
16/17-1527MD | Landscape Equipment & Parts | Tabulation | Award Letter |
16/17-1528MD | TPR Turbomatic Renewal | Tabulation | Award Letter |
16/17-1529DK | Portable Radio Repair Parts | Tabulation | Award Letter |
16/17-1530DK | Pool Cover - CHC | Tabulation | Award Letter |
16/17-1535DK(R2) | Maico Audiometer | Tabulation | Award Letter Renewal Letter |
16/17-1536MD | Medical Dispensing Unit | Tabulation | Award Letter |
16/17-1537MD | Training Unit - Electric Heating Control | Tabulation | Award Letter |
16/17-1541MD(R1) | Tool Equipment & Rental | Award Letter | |
16/17-1554MP | Projector Lamps | Tabulation | Award Letter |
16/17-607TS(R1) | Bakery Items | Ranking | Award Letter Renewal Letter |
16/17-82MP(R2) | Solar Service and Repair | Ranking | Award Letter Renewal Letter |
16/17-83MD | Change-out Chillers & Add Ice Tanks | Ranking | Award Letter |
16/17-84MP | CPAC Sound System Upgrade, Phase 1 | Ranking | Award Letter |
16/17-85DF | LBHS Aquaculture Lab Shelving | Award Letter | |
16/17-86MP | Adobe Creative Cloud for Teams; 1 year subscription | Tabulation | Award Letter |
16/17-88TS | CTC Fencing | Notice of Intended Award | |
16/17-89DF | Sound Equipment for CPAC | Ranking | Award Letter |
16/17-90MP(R1) | Emerge Access | Ranking | Award Letter Renewal Letter |
16/17-92MP(R2) | Emergency Generator Inspection and Services | Ranking | Award Letter Renewal Letter |
16/17-98MP | IDF Switches | Ranking | |
17/18-1542DK(R3) | Bottled Water-Champ's Cafe District Wide | Tabulation | Award Letter Renewal Letter |
17/18-1555MD | Security Cameras and Accessories | Tabulation | Award Letter |
17/18-1555MD(R1) | Security Cameras and Accessories | Tabulation | Award Letter Canal Alarm Renewal Troxell Inc Renewal |
17/18-1559MP | Adobe Creative Cloud for Teams Subscription License, 1 year | Tabulations | Award Letter |
17/18-1560MP | Robinair 34988NI A/C Recovery Machine | Tabulation | Award Letter |
17/18-1561MD | HVAC Training Board | Tabulation | Award Letter |
17/18-1562MD | Web-based Training Portal | Tabulation | Award Letter |
17/18-1563MD | Laminator & Science Equipment | Tabulation | Award Letters |
17/18-1564MP | Lighting Controls for Lemon Bay Performing Arts Center | Tabulation | Award Letter |
17/18-1565MD | LED Light Boxes | Tabulation | |
17/18-1566MD | Culinary Disposable Supplies | Tabulation | Award Letter Renewal Letters |
17/18-22MD(R2) | Classroom Assessment Scoring System | Ranking | Award Letter Renewal Letter |
17/18-25DF | Information Technology Services | Ranking | Award Letter |
17/18-27GH | Deep Creek Elementary Casework Replacement | Ranking | Award Letter |
17/18-33GH | Engineering Services, New Chiller & Ice Plant for LAM & PCH | Ranking | Award Letter |
17/18-41MP(R2) | Mold and Water Remediation | Ranking | Award Letter Renewal Letter |
17/18-50MP(R3) | Sparkling Ice | Award Letter Renewal Letter Extension Request Letter Extension Award Letter | |
17/18-53-1MP(R2) | ABB Drives and Head Units | Award Letter Renewal Letter | |
17/18-54MD(R2) | CE Credits: Web-based Professional Development Programs | Sole Source | |
17/18-55MP(R2) | Security Information and Event Management System | Notice of Award Award Letter Renewal Letter | |
17/18-608DF | Warehouse Stock | Tabulations | Award Letters |
17/18-611MP | Carryout Bags, Champ's Cafe | No Award | |
18/19 104-1GH | Charlotte Harbor School Pool & Spas Renovations | Ranking | Award Letter |
18/19-100MP(R2) | Roofing | Ranking | Award Letters Renewal Letters |
18/19-105GH(R1) | Telephone Systems | Award Letter Renewal Letter | |
18/19-105GH(R2) | Telephone Systems | Award Letter Renewal Letter | |
18/19-1591MP | Insulated Foil Wraps | Award Letter | |
18/19-1592DK | Portable Radio Repair Parts | Tabulation | Award Letter |
18/19-1594DK | Adobe Creative Cloud | Tabulation | Award Letter |
18/19-1596DK | Ice Maker & Ice Bin With Chute | Tabulation | Award Letter |
18/19-1598DK(R2) | Gumdrop Cases | Tabulation | Award Letter Renewal Letter |
18/19-1599DK | Styling Chair (Kensley) | Tabulation | Award Letter |
18/19-1600MP | Single Phase On-Line UPS with Network Management Card | Tabulation | Award Letter |
18/19-1603MP | MDF & IDF Switches | Tabulation | Award Letter |
18/19-1615DK | Rapid Identity | Tabulation | Award Letter |
18/19-91MP(R1) | Palo Alto Next Generation Firewalls | Ranking | Award Letter Renewal Letter |
18/19-92DK(R2) | Carpentry Services | Tabulation | Award Letter Renewal Letter |
18/19-99GH | Wireless Access | Ranking | Award Letter |
19/20-04GH | LES Telephone System Replacement | Ranking | Award Letter |
19/20-07MP | MUM Chiller Replacement | Ranking | Award Letter |
19/20-13-1LB(R1) | Grease Trap Total Clean Out | Ranking | Award Letter Renewal Letter |
19/20-1616DK(R2) | Hood Fire Suppression - Champ's Cafe District Wide | Tabulation | Award Letter Renewal Letter |
19/20-1617DK(R1) | Security Cameras and Accessories | Tabulation | Award Letters Renewal Letter |
19/20-1617DK(R2) | Security Cameras and Accessories | Tabulation | Award Letters Renewal Letter |
19/20-1618DK | Adobe Creative Cloud for Teams | Tabulation | Award Letter |
19/20-1619DK | Portable Radio Repair Parts | Tabulation | Award Letters |
19/20-1621DK(R1) | Washer & Dryer Service/Repair | Tabulation | Award Letter Renewal Letter |
19/20-1622LB | VS100-B Welch Allyn Spot Vision Screener | Tabulation | Award Letter |
19/20-1626LB | Laser Engraver | Tabulation | Award Letter |
19/20-1627LB | Graphing Calculators | Tabulation | Award Letter |
19/20-1629LB | Challenge Champion 305TC with Side Tables | Tabulation | Award Letter |
19/20-1630LB | Laser Projector with Wi-Fi | Tabulation | Award Letter |
19/20-1631LB(R1) | Smart TV and Mount | Tabulation | Extension Award Letter Renewal Letter |
19/20-1632LB | Water Plant Monitoring | Tabulation | Award Letter |
19/20-1632MP | 3D Printer Enclosure w/ Ventilation Fan | Tabulation | Award Letter |
19/20-1633LB | Adult Resuscitation Package | Tabulation | Award Letter |
19/20-18MP | HCI Hardware and Software | Ranking | Award Letter |
19/20-18MP(R1) | HCI Hardware and Software | Award Letter Renewal Letter | |
19/20-A014 | Refrigerant Service | Tabulation | Award Letter |
20/21-1632LB(R1) | Water Plant Monitoring | Tabulation | Award Letter Renewal Letter |
20/21-1650LB | Electric Motor Repair | Award Letters | |
20/21-1650LB(R1) | Electric Motor Repair | Award Letters Renewal Letters | |
20/21-1651LB | Cosmetology Kit | Tabulation | Award Letter |
20/21-1652LB | Medication Carts | Tabulation | Award Letter |
20/21-1662GB | Print Shop Supplies | Tabulation | Award Letter |
20/21-1665GB-1 | TV Production Equipment | Tabulation | Award Letter |
20/21-616LB | Musical Instruments | Tabulation | Award Letter |
20/21-616LB(R1) | Musical Instruments | Tabulation | Award Letter Renewal Letter |
20/21-619GB | Catalog Discount | Tabulation | |
21/22-1674GB | Cosmetology Kits | Tabulation | Award Letter |
21/22-61GB | Warewashing Chemicals | Ranking | Award Letter |
21/22-622GB | Charter Bus Service | Ranking | Award Letters Tabulation |
ITB 11/12-912 | Promethean Furnish and Install (posted 11/10/11 @ 9:07 a.m.) |
Tabulation | Award Letter |
ITN 10/11-32 | HP Computers and Services | Tabulation | |
ITN 10/11-33 | Furniture for Meadow Park Elementary and Lemon Bay High (posted 3/23/11 8:42 a.m.) |
Tabulation | Award Letters |
RFP 10/11-36 | Independent Auditing Services | Tabulation | |
RFP 11/12-37 | Aruba Controller System | Tabulation | Award Letter |
RFP 11/12-38 | Food Serving Line: Furnish, Ship, Uncrate, Inside Deliver, Warranty, Parts | Tabulation | Award letter |
RFP 11/12-47 | Integrated Pest Management | Tabulation | |
RFP 11/12-49 | Warewashing Chemicals | Tabulation | Award Letter |
RFP 11/12-51 | Print Management Services | Ranking Award Letter | |
RFQ 11/12-39 | Professional Service Certified List (posted 10/11/11 @ 8:31 a.m.) |
Certified List | |
RFQ 11/12-40 | Master Planning, Middle Schools (posted 10/31/11 @ 11:55 a.m.) |
Tabulation | Ranking Order |
15/16-63MP(R1) | Lit Fiber, WAN Links | Ranking | Renewal Letter Contract |
16/17-97MP(R1) | Internet Access with DDoS Mitigation | Ranking | Award Letter |
18/19-82MP(R3) | Lawn Maintenance | Ranking | Award Letter Renewal Letter |
18/19-1612MP | RCT Software | Tabulation | Award Letter |
18/19-1608MP(R1) | Computer and Electronic Recycling | Tabulation | Award Letter Renewal Letter |
18/19-1606DK | CommVault Annual Maintenance | Tabulation | Award Letter |
17/18-52GH(R2) | Preventative Painting | Ranking | Award Letter Renewal Letter |
17/18-48MP(R3) | Security Systems - Hardware, Installation, Service & Monitoring | Ranking | Award Letter Renewal Letter |
17/18-42GH(R3) | Distech Control Systems, Parts & Service | Ranking | Award Letter Renewal Letter |
17/18-43GH(R2) | Automatic Logic, Parts & Service | Results | Award Letter Renewal Letter |
17/18-39MD(R1) | Uniform Apparel and Services | Award Letters Renewal Letters | |
17/18-34MD(R3) | Fencing | Ranking | Award Letter Renewal Letter |
17/18-28MP(R2) | Driver's Ed | Award Letter Renewal Letter | |
17/18-23MD(R2) | Uniform Pants | Award Letter Renewal Letter | |
17/18-19MP(R3) | Construction Manager/General Contractor at Risk, Projects under $2 Million | Award Letters Renewal Letters | |
16/17-01MP(R2) | Independent Auditing Services | Ranking | Award Letter Renewal Letter |
15/16-74DS(R3) | Network Switches, Installation and Programming | Ranking | Award Letter Renewal Letter |
21/22-64GB | Bottled Water Champ’s Café | Ranking | Award Letter |
19/20-06GH(R1) | Solar Services & Repair | Award Letter Renewal Letter | |
19/20-1621DK(R2) | Washer & Dryer Service/Repair | Tabulation | Award Letter |
21/22-1677GB | Medication Dispensing System | Tabulation | Award Letter |
21/22-1676GB | Vision Screeners | Tabulation | Award Letter |
21/22-1675KS | Tripp Lite 1500VA | Tabulation | Award Letter |
19/20-1623LB(R2) | Commercial Appliance Repair and Services | Tabulation | Award Letter |
21/22-1679MP | Cool Top 2x3 Fan and Canopy Straight ROPS | Tabulation | Award Letter |
16/17-09MP(R4) | Building Code Administrator | Ranking | Award Letter Renewal Letter |
21/22-83GH | Outdoor Scoreboard Display Panel | Award Letter | |
19/20-615LB(R2) | Musical Instrument Repair | Tabulation | Renewal Award Letter |
19/20-13-1LB(R2) | Grease Trap Total Clean Out | Ranking | Award Letter Renewal Letter |
19/20-1617DK(R2) | Security Cameras Extension | Tabulation | Award Letters Renewal Letter |
21/22-73GB | Carpentry Services | Award Letter Approval | |
21/22-1686GB | Tuba’s | Tabulation | Award Letter |
16/17-607TS(R4) | Bakery Items | Ranking | Award Letter |
20/21-47GB | Preventative Painting Maintenance | Ranking | Award Letter |
20/21-1632LB(R2) | Water Plant Monitoring | Tabulation | Award Letter Renewal Letter |
22/23-97GB | Sparkling Ice | Award Letter | |
20/21-1650LB(R2) | Electric Motor Repair | Award Letter Renewal Letter | |
20/21-1658GB(R1) | Security System Parts | Tabulation | Award Letter |
20/21-1656MP R2 | Insulated Foil Wraps | Tabulation | Award Letter Renewal Letter |
23/24-632GB | Insulated Foil Wraps | Award Letter & Tabulation | |
15/16-63MP(R1) | Lit Fiber, WAN Links | Ranking | Renewal Letter Contract |
15/16-76MP | Fuel Management System | Ranking | Award Letter |
16/17-97MP(R1) | Internet Access with DDoS Mitigation | Ranking | Award Letter |
17/18-44GH(R4) | Sonitrol Parts, Services | Award Letter Renewal Letter | |
17/18-609MP(R1) | IT Equipment Maintenance/Service Agreement | Tabulation | Award Letter Renewal Letter |
18/19-81-1MP(R3) | Swimming Pool Maintenance | Ranking | Award Letter |
18/19-84MP | Varonis DatAdvantage | Ranking | Award Letter |
18/19-95MP(R2) | HVAC Water Treatement | Both | Award Letter Renewal Letter |
19/20-02GH(R1) | Equipment Rental, District Wide | Ranking | Award Letter Renewal |
19/20-03GH(R1) | Roof Inspections & Consulting | Ranking | Award Letter Renewal Letter |
19/20-05GH(R1) | Lift Station Service & Domestic Water Testing | Award Letter Renewal Letter Renewal Letter | |
20/21-1663MP | Car Seats | Tabulation | Award Letter |
20/21-26GH | Scoreboard Panel, PCH | Cancellation & Reissue Notice | |
20/21-29MP | Professional Services | Qualified List | |
20/21-32MP | Charging Carts for Chromebooks, Laptops, Tablets & iPads | Award Letter | |
20/21-34GH | Outdoor Scoreboard/Display Panel | Ranking | |
20/21-40GH | Firewall Software | Ranking | Award Letter |
21/22-65MP | Covered Play Area Replacement | Award Letter | |
21/22-70MP | PSSP Board Approved List | List | |
21/22-85MP | Building Code Administrator | Award Letter | |
21/22-84MP | Custodial Equipment & Repair | Tabulation | Award Letter |
21/22-623MP | eMerge Access Systems Parts | Tabulation | Award Letter |
2/23-16GB | Grease Trap Total Clean Out | Tabulation | Award Letter |
20/21-38MP | Cleaning Services | Award Letter | |
21/22-1685GB | Misc. Plumbing Parts | Tabulation | Award Letter |
2122-626GB1 | Classroom & Office Furniture Discount Bid | Award Letter | |
20/21-619GB(R2) | Catalog Discount Bid | Award Letter & Tabulation | |
21/22-73GB(1) | Carpentry Services | Renewal #1 | |
23/24-1722KS | ILA Pro Unlimited Translation Devices | Tabulation | Award Letter |
22/23-1711GB | Bossjet Trailered Sewer Jetter | Award Letter | |
22/23-1710AJ | Walter 601A Engine Test Stand | Award Letter | |
22/23-1707GB | Cool Top Fan & Canopy | Tabulation | Award Letter |
22/23-1703AJ | Maico MA1 Audio Meters | Tabulation | |
21/22-68-1MP | Electric Gate Openers, Service and Repair | Ranking | Award Letter |
21/22-629KS(R1) | Print Shop Supplies | Tabulation | Award Letter Renewal Letter |
21/22-626GB(R1) | Classroom and Office Furniture | Award Letter Renewal Letter | |
21/22-60MP | Scoreboard Installation, Maintenance, and Repairs | Ranking | Award Letter |
20/21-617MP | Single Stream Recycling | Tabulation | Award Letter |
19/20-20MP(R2) | Emergency Generators,Inspections and Service | Ranking | Award Letter Renewal Letter 2 Renewal Letter 1 |
19/20-01GH(R4) | Fire Alarm Monitoring | Award Letter Renewal Letters 1-4 | |
19/20-19GH | Lockdown Server | Ranking | |
18/19-98MP(R2) | Geotechnical Engineering Services | Ranking | Renewal Letters 1 Renewal Letters 2 |
18/19-97MP(R2) | Civil Engineering Services | Ranking | Renewal (R1) Renewal (R2) |
18/19-96MP(R2) | MEP Engineering Services | Ranking | Renewals (R1) Renewals (R2) |
18/19-89(R4) | Architect Services | Ranking | Award Letters Renewal Letters 1-4 |
Archived Single / Source Claims
No. | Date of Recognition Letter | Expiration Date | Vendor | Product | Sole Source (Y/N) | Alternate Vendor(s) |
20/21-Q | 9/9/2020 | 9/8/2021 | NCS Pearson, Inc. | Clinical and Classroom Assessment Catalogs | Y | None |
20/21-V | 9/18/2020 | 9/17/2021 | D.C. Jaeger Corporation | Amatrol Products | Y | None |
20/21-W | 9/18/2020 | 9/17/2021 | CodeMonkey Studios | CodeMonkey Curriculum | Y | None |
20/21-X | 9/25/2020 | 9/24/2021 | Certiport | Exam Delivery System for Industry Certification | Y | None |
20/21-Y | 10/7/2020 | 10/6/2021 | Realityworks | RealCare Baby | Y | None |
20/21-Z | 10/19/2020 | 10/18/2021 | Wolters Kluwer | Lippincott DocuCare | Y | None |
20/21-AA | 10/19/2020 | 10/18/2021 | Laerdal Medical | vSim for Nursing | Y | None |
20/21-BB | 10/21/2020 | 10/20/2021 | Pasco Science | Science Products | Y | None |
20/21-EE | 12/28/2020 | 12/27/2021 | Assessment Technologies Institute | CMAA, CET, CPT, CCMA, and CPC (exams and prep) | Y | None |
20/21-FF | 1/5/2021 | 1/14/2022 | Home Builders Institute | Pre-Apprenticeship Certificate Training (PACT) | Y | None |
20/21-GG | 1/22/2021 | 1/21/2022 | IXL Learning, Inc. | IXL Service | Y | None |
20/21-HH | 2/1/2021 | 1/31/2022 | Nida Corporation | Nida Training Systems | Y | None |
20/21-II | 2/17/2021 | 2/14/2022 | Avotek Corporation | Avionics training equipment and text material | Y | None |
20/21-JJ | 2/15/2021 | 2/14/2022 | Newco Corporation | Magnaflux, Uniwest and Sonatest installation and training | Y | None |
20/21-LL | 4/21/2021 | 4/20/2022 | WichiTech Industries, Inc. | "HB" series hot bonder and Student Training Kit | Y | None |
16/17-BB | 5/9/2017 | 5/8/2022 | Studies Weekly | Florida Studies Weekly Publications and Supplemental Publications | Y | None |
21/22-F | 5/19/2021 | 5/19/2022 | Frio-Hydration, LLC | Hydration Sytems | Y | None |
21/22-G | 6/1/2021 | 5/31/2022 | Practicon | Dental Patient Simulator PK-1 TSE | Y | N |
21/22-A | 7/1/2021 | 6/30/2022 | Discovery Education | Discovery Education Experience | Y | None |
21/22-B | 7/1/2021 | 6/30/2022 | Follett School Solutions, INC | Destiny Suite | Y | None |
21/22-C | 7/1/2021 | 6/30/2022 | MobyMax Education, LLC | MobyMax Software | Y | None |
21/22-D | 7/1/2021 | 6/30/2022 | Curriculum Associates | i-Ready | Y | None |
21/22-E | 7/1/2021 | 6/30/2022 | USA Test Prep | USA Test Prep Software | Y | None |
21/22-H | 6/17/2021 | 6/18/2022 | ChildPlus | ChildPlus Software | Y | None |
21/22-I | 7/24/2021 | 7/23/2022 | Automotive Development Group | Rotary Lift Repair Services | Y | None |
21/22-N | 7/27/2021 | 7/27/2022 | Perfection Learning Corporation | Perfection Learning Catalog | Y | None |
21/22-O | 7/31/2021 | 7/31/2022 | LiveSchool, Inc. | LiveSchool school-wide behavior managementand reporting platform | Y | None |
21/22-P | 7/31/2021 | 7/31/2022 | Top Score Writing, Inc. | Writing Curriculum, Digital Curriculum and Writing Workbooks | Y | None |
21/22-Q | 8/2/2021 | 8/1/2022 | Bedford, Freeman & Worth Publishing Group, LLC | Krugman’s Economics for the AP Course (ISBN: 1319113273) | Y | None |
21/22-T | 8/3/2021 | 8/3/2022 | Committee for Children | Education Materials for Early Learning through 8th Gradev | Y | None |
21/22-DD | 9/8/2021 | 9/7/2022 | ExploreLearning | Gizmos | Y | None |
21/22-Z | 8/24/2021 | 8/23/2022 | Age of Learning, Inc. | My Math Academy™ enterprise solution | Y | None |
21/22-Y | 8/12/2021 | 8/11/2022 | News-2-Y | Positivity | Y | None |
21/22-CC | 9/3/2021 | 9/2/2022 | Heinemann | Various publications | Y | None |
21/22-FF | 9/17/2021 | 9/16/2022 | Loving Guidance, LLC dba Conscious Discipline | All onsite training workshops conducted by Loving Guidance Master and Certified Instructors | Y | None |
21/22-AA | 8/31/2021 | 8/30/2022 | Component Control | Quantum Control Q-Step software | Y | None |
21/22-NN | 12/7/2021 | 12/6/2022 | Voxy En Gen | English language career pathway content | Y | None |
21/22-RR | 1/3/2022 | 1/2/2023 | Hameray Publishing Group, Inc. | Hameray Publishing Group, published works/books as stated in their sole source letter | Y | None |
21/22-NN | 12/7/2021 | 12/6/2022 | Voxy En Gen | English language career pathway content | Y | None |
21/22-YY | 2/14/2022 | 2/13/2023 | Vantage Learning | MY ACCESS! | Y | None |
21/22-OO | 12/8/2021 | 12/7/2022 | Heinemann Publishing | All Heinemann Publishing intellectual property including all products and content of Contexts for Learning Math, and Do The Math | Y | None |
21/22-UU | 2/1/2022 | 1/31/2023 | Nida Corporation | Nida Training Systems | Y | None |
21/22-DDD | 4/6/2022 | 4/5/2023 | Brightwheel | Brightwheel early education technology | Y | None |
21/22-MM | 12/7/2021 | 12/6/2022 | Aztec Software | all Aztec Software intellectual property including all products and content of Aztec Software, Life Skills Education, and Paxen Publishing, Inc. which includes Aztec’s Bridge Series, Aztec’s Foundations Series, Aztec's Fundamentals Series, Aztec's GED Prep Series, Aztec's HiSET Prep Series, and Aztec's GED Flash/Play Combo Series | Y | None |
21/22-L | 7/17/2021 | 7/16/2022 | Trak Engineering | Trak Fuel Management System | Y | None |
21/22-J | 6/18/2021 | 7/16/2022 | Cummins, Inc | Cummins Power Systems and Related Accessories, Components and Services | Y | None |
21/22-R | 8/2/2021 | 8/1/2022 | Edmentum | Reading Eggs Program | Y | None |
21/22-S | 8/7/2021 | 8/6/2022 | CES | Siemens Fire Alarm System components | Y | None |
21/22-X | 8/12/2021 | 8/11/2022 | NCS Pearson, Inc | Exam Delivery System | Y | None |
21/22-HHH | 5/23/2022 | 5/22/2023 | Hand 2 Mind | Supplemental Curriculum Resources, Publisher Aligned, and Custom Kits | Y | None |
21/22-WW | 2/15/2022 | 2/14/2023 | Avotek Corporation | Avionics training equipment and text material | Y | None |
21/22-AAA | 3/14/2022 | 3/13/2023 | Voyager Sopris, Inc | Curriculum Products | Y | None |
21/22-CCC | 3/30/2022 | 3/29/2023 | iSafe Enterprises | iSafe Direct and DC4 | Y | None |
21/22-EEE | 4/27/2022 | 4/26/2023 | Widex | Widex COM-DEX | Y | None |
21/22-FFF | 5/17/2022 | 5/16/2023 | Sphero Inc. | Sphero products | Y | None |
21/22-XX | 2/11/2022 | 2/10/2023 | Snap-on Diagnostics | Snap-On Diagnostics Tools | Y | None |
21/22-TT | 2/3/2022 | 2/3/2023 | Gaumard Scientific Company, Inc. | S201.PK SUSIE® SIMON® Patient Care Simulator with Ostomy | Y | None |
21/22-VV | 2/3/2022 | 2/2/2023 | Gaumard Scientific Company, Inc. | FL Coach suite, Buckle Down, Options, Coach Digital Compass, including Catch Up with Coach | Y | None |
21/22-SS | 1/28/2022 | 1/27/2023 | DreamBox Software | DreamBox Learning Internetbased software solution | Y | None |
21/22-JJ | 1/13/2022 | 1/12/2023 | Home Builders Institute (HBI) | Pre-Apprenticeship Certificate Training (PACT) curriculum | Y | None |
21/22-QQ | 12/30/2021 | 12/29/2022 | DJ Jaeger Corporation | All products and content of Amatrol Learning systems | Y | None |
21/22-PP | 12/21/2021 | 12/20/2022 | CodeCombat, Inc | CodeCombat | Y | None |
21/22-LL | 11/30/2021 | 11/29/2022 | Vort Corporation | HELP® 0-3 (Hawaii Early Learning Profile®) materials | Y | None |
21/22-KK | 11/19/2021 | 11/18/2022 | Southern Oregon Education | The OR Project | Y | None |
21/22-II | 10/18/2021 | 10/17/2022 | Community Playthings | Community Plaything products | Y | None |
21/22-BB | 9/18/2021 | 9/17/2022 | CodeMonkey Studios | CodeMonkey curriculum | Y | None |
21/22-EE | 9/14/2021 | 9/13/2022 | iSimulate | ALSi, CTGi, AURis, and REALITiand associated software modules | Y | None |
21/22-III | 6/2/2022 | 6/1/2023 | Pioneer Valley Books | Pioneer Valley Educational Books | Y | None |
22/23-U | 08/22/2022 | 08/21/2023 | Franklin Covey | Leader in Me | Y | None |
22/23-I | 7/1/2022 | 6/30/2023 | Respondus | Respondus 4.0, StudyMate Campus, LockDown Browser, and Respondus Monitor | Y | None |
22/23-D | 7/1/2022 | 6/30/2023 | Curriculum Associates LLC | Materials shown in their current catalog | Y | None |
22/23-L | 7/28/2022 | 7/28/2023 | Siemens | Commercial Electrical Systems | Y | None |
22/23-K | 7/27/2022 | 7/26/2023 | Certiport | Exam delivery system for industry certification and credential programs and Brain Buffet | Y | NONE |
22/23-T | 8/18/2022 | 8/17/2023 | News-2-Y | Unique Learning System | Y | NONE |
22/23-S | 08/16/2022 | 08/15/2023 | Age of Learning | My Math Academy & My Reading Academy | Y | NONE |
22/23-V | 08/22/2022 | 08/21/2023 | Committee for Children | Education materials for early learning through 8th grade | Y | NONE |
22/23-Z | 9/6/2022 | 9/5/2023 | Loving Guidance, LLC dba Conscious Discipline | all onsite training workshops conducted by Loving Guidance Master and Certified Instructors | Y | None |
22/23-BB | 9/12/2022 | 9/11/2023 | Certification Partners | Information & Communication Technology Essentials (“ICT”) Certification Program and Curriculum | Y | None |
22/23-A | 6/3/2022 | 6/2/2023 | Follett | Destiny Suite | Y | None |
22/23-C | 6/8/2022 | 6/7/2023 | VEX Robotic, Inc. | VEX Robotics components and supplies | Y | None |
22/23-E | 6/17/2022 | 6/16/2023 | Earth Networks | Weather technology providing data to Sferic Maps program | Y | None |
22/23-H | 7/1/2022 | 6/30/2023 | Automotive Development Group | Lift repair services and parts | Y | None |
22/23-G | 7/1/2022 | 6/30/2023 | FluidSecure | Replacement parts for the FluidSecure Fuel Management System | Y | None |
22/23-B | 6/2/2022 | 6/30/2023 | Discovery Education Inc. | Discovery Education Experience | Y | None |
22/23-N | 7/28/2022 | 7/27/2023 | Perfection Learning Corporation | Perfection Learning Catalog | Y | None |
22/23-P | 8/1/2022 | 7/31/2023 | Bedford, Freeman & Worth Publishing Group, LLC | Krugman’s Economics for the AP Course (ISBN: 1319113273) | Y | None |
22/23-O | 8/1/2022 | 7/31/2023 | Top Score Writing, Inc. | Writing Curriculum, Digital Curriculum and Writing Workbooks | Y | None |
22/23-M | 8/1/2023 | 7/31/2023 | LiveSchool, Inc. | LiveSchool school-wide behavior management and reporting platform | Y | None |
22/23-R | 8/15/2022 | 8/14/2023 | ExploreLearning, LLC | Gizmos, Reflex, and professional development training | Y | None |
22/23-W | 8/23/2022 | 8/22/2023 | Renaissance | Star 360 | Y | None |
22/23-X | 8/26/2022 | 8/25/2023 | Kami Limited | Kami | Y | None |
22/23-Y | 8/31/2022 | 8/30/2023 | ExploreLearning, LLC | All Explore Learning Products | Y | None |
22/23-AA | 9/12/2022 | 9/8/2023 | Realityworks | Bovine Injection Simulator | Y | None |
22/23-CC | 9/26/2022 | 9/25/2023 | CAE Healthcare | Simulators | Y | None |
22/23-EE | 9/27/2022 | 9/26/2023 | The Institute for Multi-Sensory Education | Teacher and Classroom Supplies & Training materials | Y | None |
22/23-DD | 9/27/2022 | 9/26/2023 | Agile Sports Technologies, Inc. | Hudl | Y | None |
22/23-HH | 12/20/2022 | 12/19/2023 | Vantage Learning | MY ACCESS! Web-Based Writing Instructional and Assessment Tool | Y | None |
22/23-JJ | 1/4/2023 | 1/3/2024 | Voxy Engen, PBC | English language career pathway content | Y | None |
22/23-MM | 1/30/2023 | 1/29/2024 | Component Control | Quantum Control Software | Y | None |
22/23-FF | 11/23/2022 | 11/22/2023 | Petersons LLC | Dean Vaugh courses and programs | Y | None |
22/23-GG | 12/16/2022 | 12/15/2023 | Jigsaw Learning LLC dba TeachTown | Commercial Electrical Systems | Y | None |
22/23-II | 12/29/2022 | 12/28/2023 | Hameray Publishing Group, Inc. | Hameray Publishing Group, published works/books as stated in their sole source letter | Y | None |
22/23-KK | 2/1/2023 | 1/31/2024 | Nida Corporation | Nida Training Systems | Y | None |
22/23-LL | 1/27/2023 | 1/26/2024 | Heinemann | Heinemann products | Y | None |
22/23-NN | 2/1/2023 | 1/31/2024 | CodeCombat Inc. | Ozaria Computer Science Curriculum and products | Y | None |
22/23-SS | 2/28/2023 | 2/27/2024 | Elegant E-Learning Inc. | CNA Plus Premium | Y | None |
2223-GGG | 5/25/23 | 5/24/24 | Hand 2 Mind | Supplemental Curriculum Products | Y | None |
2223-FFF | 5/31/23 | 5/30/24 | ChildPlus Management Software | ChildPlus Software Product Line | Y | None |
2223-DDD | 5/18/23 | 5/17/24 | Pioneer Valley Books | Books | Y | None |
2223-CCC | 5/17/23 | 5/16/24 | UNC-Chapel Hill | TEACCH products | Y | None |
23/24-F | 6/30/2023 | 06/30/2024 | Respondus, Inc. | Respondus 4.0, StudyMate Campus, LockDown Browser, and Respondus Monnitor | Y | None |
23/24-G | 7/18/23 | 8/6/24 | Commercial Electrical Systems Company | Siemens Products | Y | None |
22/23-OO | 2/6/2023 | 2/5/2024 | Wilson Language Training Corporation | Wilson Reading System | Y | None |
22/23-PP | 2/7/2023 | 2/6/2024 | Avotek | Avionics training equipment and text material | Y | None |
22/23-QQ | 2/14/2023 | 2/13/2024 | Realityworks, Inc | The Quints Package | Y | None |
22/23-RR | 2/23/2023 | 2/22/2024 | Transition Curriculum Inc. | NextUp Transition Curriculum | Y | None |
22/23-TT | 2/28/2023 | 2/27/2024 | Robotronics Inc. | Robotronics Inc. Education materials | Y | None |
22/23-VV | 3/2/2023 | 3/1/2024 | TrueLearn | Smartbanks | Y | None |
22/23-UU | 2/28/2023 | 2/27/2024 | Lexia Voyager Sopris Inc | Lexia Voyager Sopris products | Y | None |
22/23-WW | 3/17/2023 | 3/16/2024 | WozEd | STEAM Products | Y | None |
22/23-XX | 3/20/2023 | 3/19/2024 | ADI Learning | ADI Learning Hub | Y | None |
22/23-YY | 4/10/2023 | 4/9/2024 | Harmony Bridge | Harmony Bridge Music Library | Y | None |
22/23-ZZ | 4/17/2023 | 4/16/2024 | Frog Street Press, LLC | Frog Street Press Products | Y | None |
22/23-AAA | 5/12/2023 | 5/10/2024 | Relias | Youth Mental Health First Aid Training Courses | Y | None |
22/23-BBB | 5/16/2023 | 5/15/2024 | NCS Pearson, Inc. | Clinical and Classroom Assessment Materials | Y | None |
22/23-DDD | 5/16/2023 | 5/17/2024 | Pioneer Valley Books | Books published by Pioneer Valley Educational Press, Inc. | Y | None |
22/23-EEE | 5/19/2023 | 5/18/2024 | Vex Robotics | OEM sole source provider of VEX Robotics components and supplies | Y | None |
23/24-A | 5/25/2023 | 6/30/2024 | Follett School Solutions, LLC | Follett technology products and related services | Y | None |
23/24-C | 5/23/2023 | 5/23/2024 | Earth Networks | Weather Observing Technology | Y | None |
23/24-E | 6/14/2023 | 6/13/2024 | Automotive Development Group | Rotary Lift systems parts & repairs | Y | None |
23/24-H | 7/19/2023 | 7/18/2024 | TurfTank | Intelligent One Field Line Marking Robot manufactured by Intelligent Marking | Y | None |
23/24-K | 9/25/2023 | 9/24/2024 | Crayola | Crayola Education Professional Learning Program | Y | N |