• DCES Family Events

  • Family Reading Center Hours

  • curriculum night

    DCES Curriculum Nights:
    Grades 4 & 5 - September 17th
    Grades 2 & 3 - September 24th
    Grades K & 1 - October 8th 
    Each curriculum night is from 5:00-6:30 pm and will begin in the cafeteria.
    What is curriculum night? Curriculum night is a chance for families to learn more about the curriculum, monthly pacing guides, and daily school routine.
    Who attends? Parents and Caregivers. Given that this is a busy informational night for parents, we ask that our Cubs stay at home for this event, if possible.
    When do I attend? We have three curriculum nights scheduled. Please attend the night that is scheduled for your student’s grade level. If you have multiple students, this may mean multiple curriculum nights.